Talofa Lava mai Samoa!
This week has definitely been a week. It had 7 days and each day had 24
hours. (That weren't supposed to be profound or nuthin') Anyways, its
great to be a missionary! :D
On Saturday I had the opportunity to baptize two people. The sister missionaries in our district had two investigators ready to be baptized and they asked me if I would be willing to do it. [Brother and Sister Vauga]. Very good people.
Sorry I'm kind of just writing down all my thoughts of the the week without any order. This week as we have earnestly tried to have the spirit with us we have been able to be guided to the people the Lord has prepared to hear the message of the restored gospel. I look forward to getting to know these people better and helping them receive the blessings of God.
One way that we have been blessed is that people in our ward has
really embraced the work and they are helping us a lot. I know that with
out the help of members the work would be impossible. Always make sure
and help the missionaries, I promise you that they need your help and
that you will be blessed as you help them.
Got to break up a fight this week. All kinds of fun.
Alofa atu ia te outou!
-Elder Lamoreaux